Prevent Breaking Changes

Stop breaking your API’s consumers and reduce your support overhead with Optic’s breaking change checks. Optic reviews each change to your OpenAPI specification to ensure that you never ship another surprise.

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Stop Breaking Changes Before They Happen
With CI integration and Optic CLI on the desktop, developers can stop breaking changes before they ship.
Every Change Analyzed
Optic analyzes every change pushed to Optic Cloud, and exposes exactly what changed and automatically detects breaking changes.
Visualize Breaking Change Frequency
Optic graphs breaking change frequency for every API, so you’ll know how often breaking changes are made and detect fragile API designs.
Automatic Changelog
Every change is summarized and automatically added to the API changelog so team members and consumers know what changed quickly.
"To deliver a high quality API we need to be working API-first, and keeping track of the promises we have made to consumers. API-first has always been hard, Optic is the first tool we have found that makes it easy to quickly build and safety extend our APIs. "
Kostas Petrakis Lead API Engineer