Detect Breaking Changes

Prevent Breaking Changes

Most breaking changes are released by accident. It can be difficult for developers to understand which of their API changes are breaking and which are backwards-compatible. Optic tests for breaking changes locally and in CI pipelines, so you catch them before they hit production.

Basic: Just add the breaking-changes ruleset to your optic.yml configuration.

    # Prevent breaking changes
  - breaking-changes

Many teams have some endpoints they want to be exempted from the breaking change checks. When you set exclude_operations_with_extension developers will be allowed to break API endpoints that's have a specific extension ie x-beta or x-wip or x-draft:

Advanced Setup:

    # Prevent breaking changes
  - breaking-changes:
    # Pick an extension for your work-in-progress operations.
    # Breaking changes will be allowed here
    exclude_operations_with_extension: x-draft

Running a optic diff

The diff command computes the semantic diff between two versions of your API. If you the breaking-changes ruleset configured, breaking changes will make the diff command to exit 1:

optic diff openapi.yml --base $HEAD_BRANCH --check

Running in CI

Running Optic in CI ensures breaking changes do not make it to production.

Next steps: Setup Optic CI


What does Optic consider a breaking change?

The community supported breaking-change ruleset checks for these breaking changes. If you want to define more breaking changes that make sense for your API check out custom rules.

Request Parameters

  • Prevent adding a required Query Parameter

only applies to existing operations, new operations can have required query parameters

  • Prevent changing an optional Query Parameter to required

only applies to existing operations, new operations can have required query parameters

  • Prevent adding a required Header Parameter

only applies to existing operations, new operations can have required query parameters

  • Prevent changing an optional Header Parameter to required

only applies to existing operations, new operations can have required header parameters

  • Prevent adding a required Cookie Parameter

only applies to existing operations, new operations can have required query parameters

  • Prevent changing an optional Cookie Parameter to required

only applies to existing operations, new operations can have required cookie parameters

  • Prevent restricting the options for an enum Parameter

applies to parameters with enum schemas. Removing an option that was supported previously is a breaking change

  • Prevent changing the type of Parameter

applies to parameters with schemas. Incompatible type changes are a breaking change


  • Prevent removing an Operation

applies to every operation

  • Prevent removing a documented Response Status Code

applies to every operation

Request Body Properties

  • Prevent making an optional Property required

applies to existing properties in existing operations. Request Properties in new operations can be made required

  • Prevent adding a required Property

applies to existing operations. Adding required properties is a breaking change. Request Properties in new operations can be made required

  • Prevent changing the type of Property

Incompatible type changes are a breaking change

Response Body Properties

  • Prevent making a required Property optional

applies to existing properties in existing operations. Response Properties in new operations can be made optional

  • Prevent removing a required Property

applies to existing operations. Removing required response properties is a breaking change.

  • Prevent changing the type of Property

Incompatible type changes are a breaking change