Breaking Changes

Prevent breaking changes

Breaking your API consumers is one of the worst things an API team can do. It is also completely preventable. Defining a breaking change is difficult for many engineers -- it is not always obvious that changing the data model in a subtle way will break consumers. This is a great place to add automation, and help developers understand the impact of their changes.

  - "breaking-changes":
       exclude_operations_with_extension: "x-draft"


exclude_operations_with_extension (optional): Sometimes you do not want breaking change checks to run. For example, if you are working design-first the API will change a lot as you iterate on the design, failing work in progress does not make sense.

If you set exclude_operations_with_extension: "x-draft", than every API operation marked with that extension are skipped.

What changes are breaking?

Request Parameters

  • Prevent adding a required Query Parameter

only applies to existing operations, new operations can have required query parameters

  • Prevent changing an optional Query Parameter to required

only applies to existing operations, new operations can have required query parameters

  • Prevent adding a required Header Parameter

only applies to existing operations, new operations can have required query parameters

  • Prevent changing an optional Header Parameter to required

only applies to existing operations, new operations can have required header parameters

  • Prevent adding a required Cookie Parameter

only applies to existing operations, new operations can have required query parameters

  • Prevent changing an optional Cookie Parameter to required

only applies to existing operations, new operations can have required cookie parameters

  • Prevent restricting the options for an enum Parameter

applies to parameters with enum schemas. Removing an option that was supported previously is a breaking change

  • Prevent changing the type of Parameter

applies to parameters with schemas. Incompatible type changes are a breaking change


  • Prevent removing an Operation

applies to every operation

  • Prevent removing a documented Response Status Code

applies to every operation

Request Body Properties

  • Prevent making an optional Property required

applies to existing properties in existing operations. Request Properties in new operations can be made required

  • Prevent adding a required Property

applies to existing operations. Adding required properties is a breaking change. Request Properties in new operations can be made required

  • Prevent changing the type of Property

Incompatible type changes are a breaking change

Response Body Properties

  • Prevent making a required Property optional

applies to existing properties in existing operations. Response Properties in new operations can be made optional

  • Prevent removing a required Property

applies to existing operations. Removing required response properties is a breaking change.

  • Prevent changing the type of Property

Incompatible type changes are a breaking change